If you look over my photo’s… there’s a LOT of pink shirts lately haha… oopsie… gotta love pink! Blue day tomorrow… Promise. Loved the Spin Class tonight, and Boxing tomorrow morning. Bring it! #threehundredandsixtyfiveredfaces
Category: Health & Fitness
Articles about fitness, getting fit, and the RF Way of Life.
Red Face One Hundred and Twenty Four
Red Face One Hundred and Twenty Three
Red Face One Hundred and Twenty Two
Red Face One Hundred and Twenty One
Red Face One Hundred and Twenty
Red Face One Hundred and Nineteen
Red Face One Hundred and Eighteen
Red Face One Hundred and Seventeen
Red Face One Hundred and Sixteen

‘Sweat (one hundred and) Sixteen’ and never been better! Youtube is the best free resource around to give inspiration for workouts and teach great form. I’ve been having so much fun learning new things, and noticing the results. I started with a 30 minute weights routine focussing on my arms and still had so much energy that…